Contact Us | Sitemap


Before You Go

Even before leaving for Poland we suggest that you contact the Business Assistance to agree a list of documents necessary for the efficient organization of Your stay and work in Poland.

The arrangements require, in particular, the following issues:

documents related to the subsequent verification of residence and employment in Poland

documents related to the legalization of the stay of persons accompanying

documents required in addition to the children of single parents

exchange of driving licenses

animals - vaccinations, procedures for international transport

We suggest that you contact the Business Assistance office to agree the details at:

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Contact Us

Sp. z o.o. 
35-105 Rzeszów 
ul. Przemysłowa 14 
GSM: +48 603475700

Fax (17) 7788408

Emergency call

+48 603475700em-call

NIP: 813-356-37-46
REGON: 180362918
KRS: 0000313609
Sąd Rejonowy w Rzeszowie
XII Wydział Gospodarczy
Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego


mapka zajawka