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October 15, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: Ewa Litwin
I first became acquainted with Ewa Litwin more than five years ago, during an Expatriate assignment in Rzeszow, Poland. I was working with Wytwornia Sprzetu Komunikacyjnego (WSK) in Rzeszow, assisting them in the modernization of their facility as they were developing a business relationship with my home company, United Technologies Corporation. Ewa Litwin was a member of the Human Resources Department at WSK, whose job was to assist Expatriates in their adjustment to Rzeszow and Poland in general. Ewa provided invaluable assistance to me and my wife as we negotiated the complexities of immigration and obtaining permission to reside in Poland. She also helped us obtain medical and dental care, solve the occasional housing problems, make travel arrangements, and overcome language problems (both by providing translation assistance and some language lessons). She didn’t just confine herself to issues related to my work, but also kept us informed about and organized recreational activities to better assist us and other Expatriates in our adjustment to Polish culture.
I, personally, feel that my stay in Poland was greatly enriched through my acquaintance with Ewa Litwin. She is enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and thoroughly capable of making an Expatriate’s assignment to Poland enjoyable and rewarding. I feel strongly that Ewa contributed strongly to my very favorable memories of my assignment in Poland.
My most sincere regards,
James R. Dunson
Sp. z o.o.
35-105 Rzeszów
ul. Przemysłowa 14
GSM: +48 603475700
Fax (17) 7788408
NIP: 813-356-37-46
REGON: 180362918
KRS: 0000313609
Sąd Rejonowy w Rzeszowie
XII Wydział Gospodarczy
Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego